Coastal Kratom Review

coastal kratom

If you’re a regular Kratom buyer, you’d surely know Coastal Kratom. If you’ve heard the name for the first time, allow us to remove your doubts. Coastal Kratom sells by the name Coastline Kratom. Because of the name confusion, it took us a long time and tons of research to collect information about this brand.

Anyhow, let’s find out everything you need to know about Coastal Kratom. Or if you’re looking for other Kratom vendors online, you can read:

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Coastal Kratom: Brief Introduction

Coastal Kratom is a well-known Kratom vendor located in South Carolina. The Kratom vendors entered the industry in 2014 when commercially-sold Kratom was still a new thing for the people in the United States.

The company saw a year of Kratom ban, in 2017, then kick-started things again. In just two years, Coastal Kratom regained a strong reputation among Kratom buyers.

Coastal Kratom deals in popular Kratom strains, and their product range comprises different Kratom colors, Kratom powderKratom capsules, vapes, Kratom shots, and tinctures.

Coastal Kratom Website

The Coastal Kratom website is quite intriguing and has a lasting impression on the visitors. As a visitor, you’re going to get everything that a reliable online store has on offer – from well-displayed products to descriptions, reviews, etc. Like any authentic store, Coastal Kratom offers a list of frequently asked questions, policies, verified payment methods, and more.

Coastal Kratom Products

Many Kratom vendors excel in selecting Kratom strains. Some deal in only one product form, while others have a complete range. Coastal Kratom features different Kratom strains and offers almost all product forms.

You can find Coastal Kratom products right on their first page. But normally, people are more interested in the Kratom strains the company sells. So, here’s a brief roundup showcasing their top-selling strains and products:

Horned Kratom

  • Red Vein Horned Kratom
  • White Veined Horn Kratom
  • Red Horn Kratom (Ultra-enhanced)

Bali Kratom

Borneo Kratom

  • Red Borneo Kratom
  • Green Borneo Kratom
  • Ultra-enhanced Red Borneo

Maeng Da Kratom

Malay Kratom

  • Ultra Enhanced Malay Green Kratom
  • Green Malay Kratom

Coastal Kratom Special Products

Coastal Kratom offers a special Ultra Enhanced Kratom Pack that combines nutrient-rich Kratom strains, including Red Borneo Kratom, Maeng Da Kratom, Red Horn Kratom, and Malay Kratom.

Red Kratom Pack is another special deal comprising Red Maeng Da, Red Borneo, Red Horn, and Red Bali Kratom.

Coastal Kratom Prices

As they sell online, Coastal Kratom products have economical prices, pretty close to Kratom Source USA. You’ll also find a price variation among different strains and colors.

For example, if you buy White Maeng Da Capsules, you’ll have to pay $21.99. However, you’ll be paying $24.99 for Red Maeng Da Kratom capsules.

Besides the regular Kratom strains, Coastal Kratom also sells special products in the form of powder and capsules. These are expensive products.

The Ultra Enhanced Kratom Pack is available at a discounted price of $109.99, while the Red Kratom Pack sells at $66.99.

Coastal Kratom Feedback

With everything mostly clear about the Kratom vendor, the last thing you’d want to see is positive feedback. Well, Coastal Kratom won’t dissatisfy you if you take our advice.

To evaluate customer opinions online, we went through some popular online review platforms, especially Kratom Reddit. And we concluded that Coastal Kratom has been maintaining an overall positive image, thanks to their Kratom products, safe deliveries, and their customer service.

So, it looks safe to recommend Coastal Kratom to customers who want to buy cheap yet good Kratom products.


In sum, Coastal Kratom is a popular brand among Kratom enthusiasts. It’s a go-to option for someone looking to buy more at a lesser price. However, it’s recommended that you should go through the FAQ section and policies to work your way around.

With that being said, there’s one better option for you.

At Kratom Source USA, you can find a wide range of Kratom strains in all forms and colors. We offer a comprehensive range of Kratom subspecies at an affordable price. Moreover, you can save more with Kratom Source USA by purchasing in bulk.


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